Stranded On Christmas Page 4
“How often do you have to milk the cows?” She was sitting up in our bed with her pajamas still on. What an odd question to ask the minute I came in.
“Three times a day,” I answered her.
“How many do you have?”
“Twelve.” I was grinning again. She was just charming.
“Do you have other animals, other than chickens?”
“We have a pig family. And twenty-three chickens.”
“I see. So you’re really busy with that all day.”
“Yes, but I also have the fields and an orchard to tend to. And I have to make sure that we have enough wood for fire and cooking.” I got into bed next to her. She moved in close to me. She was finished with her questions, and she wanted to cuddle now.
I took hold of her and kissed her and help her out of her pajamas. This taste of marriage was great. I was going to love it.
Once she was naked, I took the time to admire her. She was soft and curvy, like a woman should be. I had never seen a more beautiful woman.
We made such sweet love.
I lasted a bit longer for my clinging wife-to-be.
I snuggled in close to her afterwards, pulling her to my chest. I liked to sleep on my back with her on my heart.
Tomorrow would be our first Christmas. Today had all been so great.
I decided to read out of the bible before we opened presents. I needed to start the traditions that would follow us for the rest of our lives.
It was up to me to make the cherished memories that were so important in a family.
I hugged her tightly to my body and moved the blankets, so her naked shoulders were covered up.
Chapter 4 - Merry Christmas
I woke and looked to see where she was. She was still lying next to me but she was turned away. Her bottom was pressed into my leg. Just being close to her turned me on, but her naked backside pressing against my naked thigh was doing me in.
I rolled towards her and laid my arm around her. That was when I noticed that she had her arm around her dog. He was sleeping in her arms, except that he wasn't sleeping anymore.
I gave him a look, and he jumped down. She may have needed him before, but she sure didn't anymore.
She had me now.
I leaned in and kissed her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled at me. “Merry Christmas, Gideon.”
“Merry Christmas, Jessie.”
She smiled at me even bigger. “I like it when you call me Jessie.” She moved unto her back so I could lie down on top of her.
“Then I’ll always call you that.” I was the happiest man alive.
I made love to her and whispered into her ear that I loved her.
Jessie took hold of my face and told me that she loved me too. She looked me deeply in the eyes as she said that.
She honestly meant it, and she wanted me to know it.
I couldn’t be happier.
I told her that she should stay in bed a bit and rest while I went out to the cows. I wrapped up the ring and laid it under the tree. I had taken some pork from the freezer last night. It was thawed in the sink in the meantime. I wrapped it up and put it in a bowl and placed it in the icebox. The bone in it would be Pumpkin's Christmas gift. I felt I had everything covered. I went out to the cows. My wife should just have the freshest of milk.
I was glad that she hadn't heard the milk truck yesterday. If she knew that the roads were plowed, she would be back to worrying that she was bothering me.
I thought of her fingers in my hair as I lay on top of her. Marriage was the best thing that could happen to a man.
She could never bother me, not my little angel.
I waited for him to go out before I darted to the bathroom and worked on prettying myself up a bit for him.
I was almost giggling as I snuck downstairs and laid the Rolex under the tree. The gifts that I had gotten for Jamie’s parents would just become mine. I was thankful that I had gotten them something that I also liked, fancy cake plates were something that I didn't have but then again I never made cake. I bought myself cupcakes sometimes, but I didn't actually bake, or cook that often either.
I took a moment to look at the other box under the tree. It was tiny. Was it for me? What would he give me when he had already done so much for me?
He came in with the dog, and their paw cleaning routine went into practice again.
When he walked into the living room and saw me standing in front of the tree, he smiled eyes and everything.
I couldn't hold his gaze. I glanced off to the side, thinking that soon I would have to go home and this would all just be a memory. I was going to miss him. “I'm sorry that I'm wearing the same dress as yesterday. This one is just the most festive.”
“You look just beautiful. I'll just go up and get cleaned up too. I'll hurry. Then we will eat together.” He looked worried like I would take off right now. He must know that the end was near too.
I would be pining after him for a long time. He was a real man.
I couldn't picture Jamie getting up early to care for livestock. He was way too self-centered for that.
I needed a man like Gideon in my life, but Gideon himself, was too far out of the way. I needed to look for a man with his qualities back home. Of course, I wouldn't find one as good-looking as he was. I had to turn down my expectations by a couple of notches.
Gideon came back down and took hold of my hand, pulling me into the kitchen. He got out a basket full of eggs. He went to the cellar and came back with a slab of bacon, which he cut into thin slices by hand.
Gideon was good at things like that, a real jack-of-all-trades.
I wanted to go back upstairs and make love to him. My mind was drifting, but he had given me the task of cutting bread for toast.
I watched how he used the stove. The fire had already been going. He must have lit it before he went out.
We ate our old-fashioned made breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast with jam.
Once we were both full, we worked on cleaning everything up. I washed and he dried and put things away. He had a smile on his face that just wouldn't quit.
After I cleaned up the table and praised him for having running water, he took hold of my hand again. This time he led me to the tree. “Have a seat, baby. I'll be right with you.” He went over to the bookshelf and got the bible.
I sat down in front of the two lone presents and arranged the skirt of my dress, so it looked pretty.
He came and sat down next to me but he stretched out long behind me. With one arm wrapped around me he read the Christmas story. I leaned into him and just listened.
I had been just like Joseph and Mary. I had needed a place to stay too.
I told him that when he was finished. He sat up, and we kissed for a while. I hugged him and thanked him again.
I reached behind me for his present. I held it out to him. “This is my way of saying thank you. I may not have gotten it for you, but I want you to have it.”
He took the present and carefully opened it. He wasn't a paper ripper. Once the paper was laid to the side, he saw the burgundy velvet box.
“You didn't have to get me anything.” He looked at me, unsure.
“Yes, I did. Besides, this is right up your alley. It's antique, old and still in use. You like things like that. Open it up.”
The box opened to reveal a watch on a burgundy velvet metal clip. He opened it and his jaw dropped. He had obviously heard of Rolex before.
“It's a Rolex Oyster from the 1930s to 40s. From before the boxes were all green. The glass is unbreakable. I guess if it has lasted this long, then that would be true. The glass is waterproof too. That's good for work on the farm, right?”
He took the watch out and admired it. I had gotten him something that he truly liked.
“Just hold onto the box too. It makes this set worth more.” The outside of the box was pretty plain and a bit roughed up but the inside was especiall
y nice with a crown on the cream satin liner inside of the lid.
He took off his watch and set it to the side. He put on the Rolex and adjusted the leather band so it fit perfectly. It looked like it had been made for him. “Thank you, Jessie. I’ll take especially good care of it.”
“You're welcome. I’m glad that it is going to someone who will appreciate it and actually use it.”
“Why wouldn't someone use it?” he asked.
“It's vintage, a collectors item. Most people would lock it up in a safe and take it out and look at it every now and then, but a watch needs to be worn to run right. That's what the jeweler told me anyway.”
Gideon was now looking at the watch again. “How much did this cost you?”
“I can't tell you that. It's a gift.” I smiled at him, mischievously.
“Jessica, I need to know. If it is worth a lot, I can't wear it while doing chores.”
“But you always have chores, and a watch wants to be worn.”
“Jessica.” He gave me a look like he was giving me one last warning.
I wasn't about to tell him that it had cost over three thousand dollars. Jamie had said that he wanted it. He had begged, and I had thought that I was going to make him genuinely happy.
I just didn't have it in me to make him happy. I wasn't what he wanted.
I realized that I must have known that deep down, or I never would have gotten him the extravagant gift. I had tried to get him to love me, but I had been swimming against the current. Water had pushed me away, and now I was here giving the gift to a perfect stranger just so I never had to think about it again.
“Jessie, are you all right?”
I must have been daydreaming. I wiped at my eyes, removing the tears that had collected in the corners. I was deeply embarrassed. “I really want you to have it. Please accept it.”
“I wasn't trying to upset you. Thank you very much. I’ll always treasure it. But I won't wear it out to the barn. Is that sensible?”
I faked a smile and nodded at him. I wanted that part of my life to be over. I was ready to go home and continue on with my life. I was strong enough for that now.
“It’s your turn. Open up your present.” He held the tiny box out to me.
“Thank you, Gideon, but you honestly don't have to give me anything. I owed you, not the other way around.”
“Just open it.” He watched me, eagerly, as I carefully opened it and set the paper to the side, like he had. I didn't think that he would ever find anything this small that needed wrapping again, but that didn't matter. I was in Rome, so I was doing as my Roman did.
It was an old-fashioned jewelry box, a light rose colored one. It was older too. I opened it and saw a pretty ring. “It's very pretty, thank you.”
I was about to put the ring on when he took it from me and moved in closer to me. “Jessica, you appeared into my life out of nowhere, and I’m so thankful for that. I’ve been thanking God constantly for bringing you to me. I got the honor of meeting you, loving you, and now I get the honor of being your husband.” He slipped the ring onto my ring finger on my left hand.
I was in shock. He was smiling and waiting for me to say something. “This is a joke, right?”
“No, of course it isn't. We love each other. I would never joke about that.” He looked worried and concerned.
“But we don't really know each other.”
“Hey, baby. You don't have to worry. I’m not like that guy. I’ll never change my mind about you. I’ll always love you.” He reached out and petted my face. I leaned into his gentle caress.
“You think that because we slept with each other that it can only feel like that with me, but that isn't true. You will find someone better. It will be even better with her. Trust me what you’re feeling isn't real love. It's lust and getting married for lust is a very bad thing to do. I'm guessing your life is very sheltered here. I'm not the answer to your prayers. I'm just passing by. I'll leave right now if you want.”
I put the ring back in the box and set it on the floor. I stood up, and so did he. “You can't leave, ever. We love each other. You said so.”
“This is all my fault. I take the blame for everything. What we had was rebound sex. Things like that never hold. I'm so sorry, but I have to go home.”
“You are home!” he shouted at me.
“No, I'm not. I didn't mean to hurt you like this. I'll leave right now.” I tried to walk away, but he grabbed onto my arm.
“I told you that I would never sleep with a woman and then not marry her. I was clear about what my attentions were.”
“I assumed that you were saying what I wanted to hear just to get me into bed. I knew it, so it was okay. I didn't know that you were still a – virgin.”
“But I was, and I understood why you weren't one. I don't understand why you’re saying no and want to leave.”
“I don't want this.” I motioned to the house and farm with my free arm. “I'm a city girl through and through. I need microwaves and vacuum cleaners and ovens that heat up when you turn a knob. I'm not a good match for you. You can do better. You have to keep looking until you find someone who suits you better.” I needed to get him to understand without hurting his feelings overly much. I was the bad guy now. At least, I didn't have someone else, like Jamie did.
“I just want you. I need you to stay here with me.” Gideon hadn’t expected me to say no. This was a great shock for him.
I had hurt him so deeply. His wounds were open, bleeding right in front of my eyes. I was a terrible person. Not even a Rolex could fix this.
“I own a business. I have to go home. Several people depend on me for their livelihood. Without me they can't feed their children.” Or buy swank shoes. Most of the women who worked for me weren't married yet. A couple were, but none had kids yet. I only hired women, mostly ones younger than me. Adding a guy to that with all of those single women would cause friction. We had harmony at work. It was my safe haven.
“You and I made love. Only married people are allowed to do that. We will be married yet today. You could even be pregnant right now. I’ll do the honorable thing.”
“You don't have to. I can take care of myself. You aren't obligated to do anything.”
“What does that mean?” He pulled me closer to him and stared down at me.
“It means that if I were pregnant, I have enough money to care for the child.”
“Women work inside of the home. I will take care of all of our children.”
“Way back in the old days that was the case, but nowadays women do it all. Single moms are just as good as traditional families.”
“You would want our child to grow up without a father? I'm not dead! I’m standing right in front of you. My child will see me every day. We will get married yet today. In fact, you need to go and get your coat. We are leaving right now.”
“Where do you want to go?”
“To church. Where else would we go to get married?”
“Well, city hall, but that’s besides the point. I need to go back home before someone starts to miss me. Again, I’m so sorry about all of this. If I had known, I never would have hurt you like this.” I stared into his eyes. I could see that he was hurt, and that he was mad. He had every right to be. I had used him.
“I really enjoyed my time here with you, but it has come to an end now. I have to go. I'll see about getting gas for my car. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I'll get out of your hair now.” I tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn't let go.
I tugged and tugged, hoping that he would eventually give up. Holding me in place wasn't especially tasking for him. He was thinking as he held me fast, deciding on his next move. I could see the wheels turning in his head.
Then his eyes changed. He had snapped out of his trance. He yanked me over to the sofa, sat down and pulled me over his knees.
What was he up to now?
I struggled, trying to get away from him. He pinned my arms to my back and
pinned my legs under one of his. He had me face down over his knee like I was a naughty little girl. My face was right above the rug. I was fighting to keep some sort of balance, so my head wouldn't hit the floor.
“We have already consummated our marriage. Now we just need to actually get married. If you’re going to be stubborn about this, I’ll just have to break your will.” He lifted up the back of my dress with his free hand. I fussed and screamed at him to stop.
His answer was to pull down my underwear and tights too. They were pressing tightly into my legs. I was trying to imagine the view of me that he was getting, my big bubble butt being pressed even bigger because of my tights. This was just so embarrassing.
The first smack landed, and I stopped worrying about the picture that he had in front of his eyes. I kicked and squirmed even more. I tried to roll away from him but he pinned me down tighter, his elbow was digging into my shoulder blades now.
Pumpkin barked and came over to lick my face. He barked wildly at Gideon.
“Get back into your basket, right now.” Pumpkin was still whining, but the sound was coming from his basket by the fireplace.
Gideon smacked on like a madman, asking me what was wrong with me. I should be thankful that he even wanted to marry me.
I felt like he was trying to kill me. I hadn't been spanked since I was a little child and none of those spankings had ever lasted this long. I was screaming and bouncing around trying to get rid of him. He was still yelling at me, but I couldn't understand him.
At one point, he let go of my hands and leaned back. I tried to get up, but he held me in place with just his right leg. At first, I covered my bottom up to protect it. When I realized that I couldn't get away, I pushed away from him as far as I could go and tried to hit him with my hands, but they were useless to me because of the way he held me.
I tried to bite him in his calf, but I didn't get a good piece of his leg in my mouth.
His answer to that was to smack me even lower. He went at the back of my thighs as I howled out in pain. I arch up, and my hands went to my bottom to cover it again.